Soul Heart Awakener Life Coach

I wrote this following course content, during which the world was pretty much in the lock down covid pandemic.

I began putting pen to paper, and was inspired and heart inspired to write the following course content on the following which enables one to :- my testimony is i created this after 7 years of being awoken and following a path of an inner knowing of my soul heart love connected to higher divine intellect of ancient wisdom, it took me a good 3 months at least to write this content. And this is what I discovered once you study, and follow the divine path of your divine mind, divine soul, divine heart which leads to a divine life.

We have wisdom, higher intellect with heart knowledge and feeling, leading our lives by our hearts and compassionate souls. Henceforth taking people on a journey back to love, following love, guided by love, living by love, receiving by love, and accepting love taking us back to love of nature, love of our planet and all its inhabitants. Love sets one free to discover who one truly is.

Become The Truth In your personal world of experience

Becoming Beings of Divine Consciousness in awareness and experience in the fulness of polarity consciousness of Divine Light and Divine Love of the Universal Consciousness the full manifestation of a fully abundant life that you so choose to manifest for yourself through the universal laws of Cause and fulfilment

We are Love's Eternal Presence, individualisation of our own Great God Divinity of the Universal Source of Divine Consciousness of the Divine Heart and The Divine Mind.

Music and Voice and Union of Breath

Course Overview: The Power of Listening; Music, Voice & Breath is a transformative course designed to unlock the profound potential of creative visualization and emotional intelligence, allowing participants to discover their deepest desires and awaken their hearts and souls. Led by esteemed expert Dr. Madalene Chan and hosted by the renowned Dr. Jacalyn Kerbeck, this course combines the art of active listening, the healing power of music, and the transformative practices of voice and breathwork. Through a unique blend of theory, experiential exercises, and practical applications, participants will embark on a journey of self-discovery, self-expression, and personal growth.

The Power of Nature

Course Overview :Dr. Madalene and Dr. Jacalyn will guide you through the process of constructing your shrine, helping you infuse it with intention and symbolism that aligns with your personal journey.

Immerse yourself in the tranquility of guided meditations, designed to deepen your connection with nature, unlock inner peace, and restore balance to your everyday life. Through mindful breathing exercises and visualization techniques, you will tap into the inherent wisdom and healing energy of the natural world.

Whether you seek solace, serenity, or a deeper understanding of your place in the world, this course will empower you to embrace the power of nature, plants, and shrines, and harness them as tools for personal growth, transformation, and lasting peace.

Enroll now and embark on a journey of self-discovery, restoration, and connection with the natural world. Unleash the peace and tranquility that awaits you!

Facing The Shadows of Self

Course Overview: Dr Madalene Chan and Dr. Jacalyn Kerbeck, experienced psychologists and mentors, will lead participants through a series of eye-opening lessons and transformative exercises.

Throughout the course, you will explore the fundamental differences between a heart-centric mindset and an ego-centric mindset. Discover the power of living from your heart, aligned with your true desires and values, rather than being driven solely by external expectations. By shedding light on your shadow self and embracing self-compassion, you will gain the tools necessary to transcend limiting beliefs and outdated patterns.

"The Transition: Facing The Shadows of Self" is an empowering journey of self-exploration, personal empowerment, and authentic living. Step out of the shadows and into the light of your true self, where freedom, fulfillment, and genuine connection await. Are you ready to embark on this transformative path? Join us and let your true self shine.

Heart Gratification Male and Female Energies

Course Overview : Dr Madalene Chan & Dr Jacalyn Kerbeck give a tutorial with regards to Male and Female Aspect Energies We will be creating heart gratification plans, learning about Female Aspect Energies and Male Aspect Energies, not gender based, but applying a soul heart, intuition compassionate energy.

To EXPRESS Love, Gratitude, love to the point of overflowing with LOVE

Make yourself strong Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually Strong

Release and Let go, Practice Detachment Let Go what no Longer Serves You

The Art of Patience allowing things to unfold naturally in its own Divine Timing

Be Real, Be Your True Self,