Dr.Madalene Chan

A Divine Feminine Goddess who helps you to awaken to your Divine Heart , Divine Soul & Divine Life.

Award Winning Artist/Song -Writer/Author/Soul Heart Awakener Life Coach & TV Presenter .

My Mission

I have always followed my creative heart in every part of my life, I experienced many different spectrums of what I felt drawn to, and challenged myself to go that bit further, sort of feel the fear and do it anyway.

But along my journey i found my true divine mission in this life and that is to help people awaken to their creative heart’s so they may experience a wonderful journey of expressing their heart decisions, leading by their heart with the application of a higher intelligence to empower their lives by living their true purpose in this life through their hearts and soul purpose being awakened.

I believe with all my heart, that everyone is connected on Global and Planetary scale, and by that i mean that everyone has been born with a unique gift from the Creator, resonating a special note, a certain frequency that only one will discover once they begin to turn off the noise in their head, in their outer worlds, and start to tune into their own frequency their soul and heart vibrational energies.

Imagine what the world will sound once humanity awakens to their own individual soul key, their soul note, their soul song, their soul dance, their soul book, it starts with the Creative Heart that wants to be Awakened.

So my main mission is to help awaken many people from sleeping, stuck in the mold of human ways of lack, scarcity, and not feeling worthy of who they are. My heart mission is to help people connect with their heart & soul & creative heart to awaken the passion

purpose and belief in themselves. I know I emanate Divine Love and I deliver my message,through my life story, lessons, to help awaken soother people can write their own life story and become the greatest potential that they can become here on Planet Earth.

I am a Being of Cause AloneAnd that Cause LoveThe Sacred Tone.